What Are Isostatic Presses and What Is Cold Isostatic Pressing?

Author:What Are Isostatic Presses and What Is Cold Isostatic Pressing?     Date Posted:26 Jul 2022

What Are Isostatic Presses and What Is Cold Isostatic Pressing?

1.What Are Isostatic Presses?

Isostatic pressing is a process involving the application of equal pressure to a compacted powder to achieve optimal density and microstructure uniformity. Through this process, the press uses a gas or liquid to deliver force to a hermetically sealed container filled with the metal powder using either elevated or ambient temperatures. These processes are known as hot and cold isostatic pressing, respectively.

2.What Is Cold Isostatic Pressing?

The mold is placed into a pressure chamber and filled with a room-temperature liquid before the press applies the pressure from all sides, condensing the metal powder. As a result, the powder particles mechanically bond to each other, creating a solid green body. Finally, the liquid is removed and the container expands to its original form so that the product can be retrieved.

There are two types of presses used for cold dry bag isostatic pressing — monostatic isostatic presses with single-cavity structures and densomatic isostatic presses with multi-cavity designs.

cip bags, iso bags, cip mold, iso mold, cold isostatic pressing bags and mold, cold isopressing mold and bags (119).jpg

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